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Laser Hair Removal

Advanced Laser Hair Removal

Until recently, shaving, plucking, waxing, and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. But since mid 1990's laser hair removal has become the "Gold Standard" in hair removal treatments. What are the benefits of this process?

Permanent hair reduction. 90 percent of clients experience permanent hair loss within 6-9 sessions.

Laser Hair Removal Areas for Women |


Until recently, shaving,plucking, waxing, and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. But since mid 1990's laser hair removal has become the "Gold Standard" in hair removal treatments. Fotona's Nd:YAG laser's is based on selective and homogeneous photothermolysis. This laser source has the depth of penetration necessary to reach even the deepest hair follicels without causing any collateral damage to skin. The 1064 nm wavelength of the Nd: YAG laser primarily targets hemoglobin and since there is minimal hemogolobin elsewhere in the skin so reduced collateral damage as such Nd:YAG laser is best suited for Permanent Hair Reduction in the Indian skin (Fitzpatrik dark skin type III & IV)

Besides this other indications of Nd. Yag Laser are:

* Cutaneous Vascular lesions (Port wine stains, Telabgiecasia, Lymphangioma, Spider veins, Reticular leg veins)

* Non-Ablative Skin Rejuvenation(photo rejuvenation) * Rosacea * Acne * Uerrucae & Warts

The laser is equipped with Zimmer air cooling therefore no local anaesthesia is required. The procedure is outdoor & noninvasive. Total 6-8 sittings are required at an interval of 4-6 weeks.